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International Preschool
Children's English School



Cubby House English annual events

Through out the school year will have various events for both the children and parents of Cubby House English to enjoy. We celebrate and observe both international and Japanese events and special cultural days.

School outings
Along with regular outing to the park, We will also be having several outing throughout the years to large park and theme parks.
Let’s enjoy such outdoor activities such as cherry blossom viewing and picnics together.

Christmas party
Come and join us in December for our annual Christmas party. It is an action pack events with games, songs, play time and craft activities.
Don’t forget Santa Claus will be visiting us too!

Halloween Party
What a fun time of the year! Jack O lanterns, witches, bats, monsters and dress up time. Join us for our annual Halloween party and “Trick or treat” activities. Let’s play some games, get some candy, sing some Halloween songs and have some fun.

Setsubun Festival (bean throwing festival)
Join us for this fun Japanese traditional bean throwing festival. Let’s make some oni masks and scar off the demon when he comes with all our beans.
“Get out demons, Come in Happiness”

Tanabata (Japanese Star Festival)
A fun festival for everyone. Let’s wear our traditional Japanese clothes and celebrate the meeting of Orihime and Hikoboshi.
(Vega and Altair).

Birthday celebrations
Every Month we will have a big birthday party for all the Children with a Birthday on that month. Mommy and Daddy are welcome to come and join us too for some games, a Birthday lunch and some Birthday cake.

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